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Social Capital - can it save the world?

Printed From: The Equity Desk
Category: Market Strategies
Forum Name: Buffet, Lynch and other legends - Investing Strategies
Forum Discription: DIscuss about the strategies followed by the great investors. Share an idea which would have impressed the masters. Try and bring their International experience into the Indian Markets.
Printed Date: 01/Jul/2024 at 12:55pm

Topic: Social Capital - can it save the world?
Posted By: deepinsight
Subject: Social Capital - can it save the world?
Date Posted: 09/Sep/2009 at 12:23pm

"Social venture capital is a form of venture capital  investing that provides capital to businesses deemed socially and environmentally responsible. These investments are intended to both provide attractive returns to investors and to provide market-based solutions to social and environmental issues." (wikipedia)



The concept & premise should resonate with many of us - who are looking for gains through investments. In this case clever investments in social ventures could be used for multifold gains in the social areas.


A simple example- would be starting a school in a small village where there is none – this could change the lives and economic well being of hundreds of children.(multi fold returns) and this could well continue every year.(compounding effect) They in turn may get jobs, have more education, will get their children to schools etc....

"Investing is simple, but not easy." - Warren Buffet

Posted By: deepinsight
Date Posted: 09/Sep/2009 at 12:26pm
I like the organization Ashoka a lot. They seemed to have really executed well on the premise. -

"Investing is simple, but not easy." - Warren Buffet

Posted By: deepinsight
Date Posted: 09/Sep/2009 at 12:32pm

Rising Trend of Social Venture Capital (Fast Company)

BY - David Capece Thu Jul 23, 2009 at 8:15 AM
If there’s any indicator of how influential social entrepreneurship has become, take notice of the several hundred eco-capitalists in attendance at SOCAP—a conference where business and social responsibility intersect. The rising trend in impact investing has accelerated in recent years.

"Investing is simple, but not easy." - Warren Buffet

Posted By: deepinsight
Date Posted: 09/Sep/2009 at 12:36pm
A closely related term is Social entrepreneurship from wikipedia

Social entrepreneurship

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Social entrepreneurship is the work of a social entrepreneur. A social entrepreneur is someone who recognizes a social problem and uses /wiki/Entrepreneur - entrepreneurial principles to organize, create, and manage a venture to make /wiki/Social_change - social change . Whereas a /wiki/Entrepreneur - business entrepreneur typically measures performance in profit and return, a social entrepreneur assesses success in terms of the impact s/he has on society as well as in profit and return. While social entrepreneurs often work through nonprofits and citizen groups, many are now working in the private and governmental sectors and making a real impact on society.

The main aim of a social entrepreneurship as well as /wiki/Social_enterprise - social enterprise is to further social and environmental goals for a good cause. Although social entrepreneurs are often non-profits, this need not be incompatible with making a profit. Social enterprises are for ‘more-than-profit,’ using /w/index.php?title=Blended-value&action=edit&redlink=1 - blended value business models that combine a revenue-generating business with a social-value-generating structure or component. A social entrepreneur in the 21st century will redefine entrepreneurship as we know it due to their progressive business models.

"Investing is simple, but not easy." - Warren Buffet

Posted By: deepinsight
Date Posted: 09/Sep/2009 at 12:39pm
Fast company gives out awards annually to the best social companies making an impact. It makes great reading.... -

"Investing is simple, but not easy." - Warren Buffet

Posted By: deepinsight
Date Posted: 09/Sep/2009 at 12:41pm
In India too business outlook carried a story on how many local indians are making a big impact.
social enterpreneurs
The New Wealth Creators
They put society above self. They use entrepreneurial means to drive social change. These 50 social entrepreneurs are enriching the nation. -

"Investing is simple, but not easy." - Warren Buffet

Posted By: deepinsight
Date Posted: 09/Sep/2009 at 12:44pm
also see this slide show.. -

"Investing is simple, but not easy." - Warren Buffet

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