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Control your Mind - Self Improvement tech

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Topic: Control your Mind - Self Improvement tech
Posted By: omshivaya
Subject: Control your Mind - Self Improvement tech
Date Posted: 16/Jan/2008 at 3:29am
This video on Youtibe is a must see(flash needed). -
It explains very simply, how one attracts the things one is experiencing in his/her life.

The most important quality for an investor is temperament,not intellect.A temperament that neither derives great pleasure from being with the crowd nor against it

Posted By: omshivaya
Date Posted: 16/Jan/2008 at 3:31am -
Dont underestimate the poWer of yOur mInd.

The most important quality for an investor is temperament,not intellect.A temperament that neither derives great pleasure from being with the crowd nor against it

Posted By: omshivaya
Date Posted: 16/Jan/2008 at 3:41am
Guys(and ladies), why I am posting these vids even though I know there are countless books and videos out there is bcoz these vids I found to be very effective in getting the message across. I am choosing only the best ones, so please go thru every second of all the videos(no hurry!!) without pressing fast forward when you watch them.
Okay, last one for today. -
Become a Money Magnet - Technique included!

The most important quality for an investor is temperament,not intellect.A temperament that neither derives great pleasure from being with the crowd nor against it

Posted By: omshivaya
Date Posted: 16/Jan/2008 at 4:43am

Secret Mental Codes - Sending commands to your brain in its language -

The most important quality for an investor is temperament,not intellect.A temperament that neither derives great pleasure from being with the crowd nor against it

Posted By: omshivaya
Date Posted: 16/Jan/2008 at 4:55am
Wow, this one TEDdies you have gotta see.
Online Telepathy: -
Go thru the small video patiently without moving forward or backward. Be
honest and you'll be surprised. I was.

The most important quality for an investor is temperament,not intellect.A temperament that neither derives great pleasure from being with the crowd nor against it

Posted By: omshivaya
Date Posted: 16/Jan/2008 at 4:59am
This very small  video shows how our brain plays tricks with us(funny video): -

The most important quality for an investor is temperament,not intellect.A temperament that neither derives great pleasure from being with the crowd nor against it

Posted By: Ajith
Date Posted: 16/Jan/2008 at 7:46am
    Really great.....and effective.


Posted By: omshivaya
Date Posted: 18/Jan/2008 at 9:39pm
Self-improvement techniques: Start now
#1. Commit to a savings fund. Save a negligible amount like $45 per week.
The question is this: Can you reduce your current spending by $8 a day, seven days a week, for a total savings of $56 a week? For the high rollers of the world, that might mean having espresso for dessert at lunch instead of the crème brulee. For others, it might mean brown-bagging it three days a week instead of going out. For still others, it might mean buying a less expensive but perfectly acceptable bottle of wine to have with dinner at home. There are lots of ways to cut costs without eliminating pleasure.

#2. When you’re tense or about to lose your temper, leave the room and go somewhere quiet. Take deep breaths and gather your thoughts for around 30 seconds. It will do you a world of good.

#3. Try to be a nicer, more considerate person. This just doesn’t mean saying please, thank you, and excuse me. It means being sensitive to other people, offering your help if they need it, or just listening.

#4. Establish a personal system using manila folders and labels. Label a folder personal and put in your important documents such as passports, diplomas. Keep a folder for credit card bills, bank statements, taxes, insurance and work documents. A system puts you in control of your life.

#5. Don’t be a one-dimensional person who can only talk about one or two things. Read, read, read. The newspaper, including business page. News magazines, educational books, online sites; is a good site to start. Remember that great piece of literature you couldn’t get through in school? Try it again now and see what it does for you.

#6. Strive to develop a healthy, cheerful outlook towards life. Don’t take things personally- the traffic, the weather, the inept salesladies. Learn the magic of the shrug. Shrug things off. Life will be a lot easier!

#7. Make a commitment to exercise regularly. A tip to make things easier? Start with just 10 minutes a day for one entire week. Then do 20 minutes the next week. Then 30. Build to 45 minutes to an hour of exercise everyday. You’ll never feel the same again.

#8. Go through your room, your office desk and your car and methodically, deliberately clean up. Do you have any idea what’s in those drawers? Get in there and throw out old papers. Don’t be a pack rat. Learn to live light and lean. Throw out the paraphernalia of the past-yes, you can live without your high school math test papers!

#9. Go through all the clothes in your closet. Are there things in there that haven’t been worn in five years? Give them away to the various charities in the city. Ditto for old shoes.

#10. Look up an old friend from school or work whom you haven’t talked to or seen in a while because life got in the way. Set up a nice, leisurely lunch and renew old ties.

#11. Minimize watching TV. Take some time out to be by yourself. Maybe one day of half a day where you don’t talk to anyone. Sometimes, silence is truly golden.

#12. Schedule a day every two months on your calendar, devoted to beauty-yours or pampering yourself. Watch a good movie, get a new hairstyle, a facial, a manicure and pedicure- (this is for girls) the works. End the day with a massage to totally de-stress.

Source: - Blog  

The most important quality for an investor is temperament,not intellect.A temperament that neither derives great pleasure from being with the crowd nor against it

Posted By: omshivaya
Date Posted: 19/Jan/2008 at 2:37am

TEDdies, please go through all the YouTube videos I have posted above. Don't underestimate these videOs as they were chosen by me after a lot of searching and researching(especially for benefitting TEDdies). And after you go thru them, leave your feedback here on this thread so that I can continue searching for more.

AGAIN RE-POSTING THIS ONE as it is a GEM(small 2-3 minutes video)
Online Telepathy: -
Go thru the small video patiently without moving forward or backward.
Be honest and you'll be surprised at the end. I was.

The most important quality for an investor is temperament,not intellect.A temperament that neither derives great pleasure from being with the crowd nor against it

Posted By: catcall
Date Posted: 19/Jan/2008 at 9:45am

Got one of the two right ,om, BTW looking to you posts, it appears that if you were to to think of a change of jobs, you would do well as a "management guru"!Wink

On another note, I've been doing some reading lately on paranormal sciences (Ah, you're drawn to these things in falling markets!WinkLOL).. makes intersting reading if you are able to read it with a neutral mind (range bound mind with no upward or downward biasies)

There are two times in a man's life when he should not speculate-when he can't afford it and when he can-Happy investing!

Posted By: basant
Date Posted: 19/Jan/2008 at 10:04am
I am keeeping these posts for me return back to Kolkata My phone isn't very freindly with all these videos broadly it is the service providers fault and not the phone's because the net speed is 64 -128 kbps - always.

'The Thoughtful Investor: A Journey to Financial Freedom Through Stock Market Investing' - A Book on Equity Investing especially for Indian Investors. Book your copy now:

Posted By: tigershark
Date Posted: 19/Jan/2008 at 10:09am
if the service provider is a listed co then think of shorting  the blighter

understanding both the power of compound return and the difficulty getting it is the heart and soul of understanding a lot of things

Posted By: omshivaya
Date Posted: 20/Jan/2008 at 12:46pm
Originally posted by catcall

Got one of the two right ,om, BTW looking to you posts, it appears that if you were to to think of a change of jobs, you would do well as a "management guru"!Wink

Actually, both should have been got. The mind should be totally relaxed for those 2-3 minutes and one should add the numbers and answer the questions fast. Bcoz the results should be exactly the same for everyone. It is bcoz these numbers and the process of calculating those numbers give a certain vibration to the mind which remind of a certain color and a certain object. Thanks for going through them. And guru? Hmmm, dekhte hain bhagwan kaha le jaate hain mujhe!

The most important quality for an investor is temperament,not intellect.A temperament that neither derives great pleasure from being with the crowd nor against it

Posted By: omshivaya
Date Posted: 20/Jan/2008 at 6:12pm
Everything we do is pictorial in nature.
When I say Banana, you do not think: B A N A N A
An image of a banana comes to mind.
When I say MONEY, you think of an image in your mind, associated
with money...maybe a dollar bill or gold coins etc.
SO...if you want to become a genius now start putting your thoughts
down in the form of images and you shall join the league of  the
Mozarts, Beethovens etc. The best part is anyone can do it! My
suggestion would be teach your child this as well...earlier the better!
MIND MAPPING(explained in brief by a renowned mapper): -

The most important quality for an investor is temperament,not intellect.A temperament that neither derives great pleasure from being with the crowd nor against it

Posted By: omshivaya
Date Posted: 21/Feb/2008 at 10:18pm -
The most important quality for an investor is temperament,not intellect.A temperament that neither derives great pleasure from being with the crowd nor against it

Posted By: omshivaya
Date Posted: 21/Feb/2008 at 10:21pm
Originally posted by basant

I am keeeping these posts for me return back to Kolkata My phone isn't very freindly with all these videos broadly it is the service providers fault and not the phone's because the net speed is 64 -128 kbps - always. 4gotten or gone thru 'em all Master saheb hee heeWink
Anyway, new video below: - Hack Your Brain

The most important quality for an investor is temperament,not intellect.A temperament that neither derives great pleasure from being with the crowd nor against it

Posted By: experteye
Date Posted: 18/Jun/2008 at 3:34pm

life spent making mistakes is not only more
honorable but more useful than a life
spent doing nothing.

-- George Bernard Shaw

more risk,more profit but have a vision before taking risk,itis all about investment in equities market.

Posted By: omshivaya
Date Posted: 02/Sep/2008 at 8:30pm
For the beginning student, or for one curious about The Secret, or the Law of Attraction: hold on to your horses because this can be an incredible journey!

The movie, The Secret can be a good place to start and you can find that at many bookstores, and online at www.thesecret.TV. This presents in a clear and exciting format The Secret. It is not any longer a secret, but the Law of Attraction, and that has been written about since the early 1900's as a part of New Thought. Prior to that, it was known and used by the Mayans, the Essenes and students of the Kabalah. Some aspects of the Law of Attraction have been talked about by Buddhists and Yogis. As you can see, prior to the turn of the last century, it was only studied
as part of a spiritual quest.

The Law of Attraction states that whatever you think about, comes about.

-- Thoughts become things.

-- Energy flows where attention goes.

You already have experience with this although you might not have realized that it is a law of the universe as
relentless and powerful as the law of gravity. The old expression, "Be careful what you ask for because you
might just get it" is a result of the Law of Attraction. The phenomenon of receiving a phone call or accidentally
running into someone you have just been thinking about is another example of the Law of Attraction in action.

A more subtle example is that when we are concentrating on a project, or working toward a goal, we will find the
resource, the book or the person who can help us move forward in our pursuit. If our hearts are set on going to a
particular conference, or visiting an old friend in another town when we don't have the resources, and we believe
so much in this that we can see ourselves there, things will shift. We will discover a way to get a cheap airfare,
or the bus company will offer a great round trip package, or there will be a new hotel opening with affordable rates
for just the week of the conference. I can't say what it will be, but something will happen that would seem illogical
and magical if we thought about it ahead of time. However, when it happens, we think of it as "good luck."

You might have experienced making a list of what you want in an apartment, or a house, or a partner. Sometimes we put
specific personal preferences like wall sconces or a view of a garden, or a partner who wears glasses and likes to read science fiction. And then, you find the exact house or apartment, or a partner who fits the most important requests
and the most unusual little details such as the wall sconces or the glasses. Have you had that experience?

The Quick Version

1. Picture what you want. Use all your senses and all your imagination to put yourself into that dream now. Be in the house or be in the car or be in the job. Feel the feelings. Turn it into a full movie with color and sound.

2. Ask for it by picturing how much fun it you are having. Do not "need it" or start to argue with yourself about whether or not you deserve it. If you can picture it, you can have it. But, if you "need it" then you will just generate more need. Picture yourself in the car or house and make a mental movie of it. The more active, the more senses you inspire, the shorter the time will be to your successful manifestation.

3; Receive it. Believe that it is yours now. Part of this is acceptance. Be willing to accept whatever the Universe gives you. If you picture a new Panoz, don't attach to it. Practice acceptance of the present moment. Accept 100% responsibility for everything. Finally, practice defenselessness. When you can give up the need to defend yourself, you will be invincible. Ho'oponopono helps with all this.

4. Expect adversity. The bigger the dream, the more adversity will be needed to prepare you -- to make you a bigger person.

5. Act on inspiration. The Universe will send you here or there and will bring opportunities into your life that will send you in the direction of success. As Mike Dooley says, you just need to keep pitching the ball so that the Universe can hit a home run for you. (

Avoid Negatives When Visualizing or Setting Goals:

It works for good things, and it also works for the other. As James Ray says in the movie, "Your wish is my command." When
you are thinking, "I'm going to be late for work... I'm going to be late for work," and feeling the dread or the fear,
there is nothing that is going to keep you from being late for work. On that day, even if you leave early, there will
be a traffic jam or construction or a water main break. If you're thinking, "He's never going to pay me back" or "This is
too good to be true" he won't and it is. So, as the old adage goes, "Be careful what you think."

We're going to get a little technical here, but hang in there with us. We will make it clear by the end of the thought.
A colleague who studied hypnosis told me that your unconscious can not process negatives. For example, when you're going
out to buy a car. "I want a blue car" is a positive statement. "I don't want a red car" contains a negative in it. Your
unconscious can only process pictures. If you're picturing {no} red car, the best deal you'll find will be a red car. If
you're thinking {get out of} debt. Debt is what you'll get because debt is what you're picturing. So, whether this
is believable to you or not, do yourself a favor and think/picture about what you want -- what brings you pleasure and what makes you smile rather than the things that make you unhappy, frustrated or fearful.

You have heard that we only use about 5% of our brain power? Other studies have shown that when we think a thought such as, "get up and go to the bookshelf" there has been brain activity prior to that conscious thought that has already set the muscle
transmitters in motion. Where did the thought originate? It is possible that even when we think we are exercising free will and personal volition, we are not? It is possible that our unconscious is at least sometimes directing our conscious thoughts. In terms of the Law of Attraction, we think we know how thoughts are manifested. We consciously think of a wish or dream, and feel the feelings of already having it. That sends a message to our unconscious which prepares the energetic manifestation and transmits it to the creative source, the universe, God, or Jesus.

Or as Wallace Wattles says, There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made and which, in it original state, permeates, penetrates, and fills the interspaces of the universe. This creative energy is set in motion whenever we have an emotionally charged thought, good or bad, or dream whether good or bad.

It Works for Nature....

That may seem to be a lot to bite off as they say. Don't click off yet. It will get easier. You have seen grass grow and flowers grow and blossom. Whether or not you are a gardener, you have seen trees lose their leaves in the fall and then fill out again the following summer. How do they know how to do that?

The Houdenosaunee (known as the Iroquois to westerners) would say they follow their natural law. Depending on the size of the tree, we are talking about hundreds or thousands of cells that all follow their law without dissent or disorder. Are their cop-cells? Where do they get their energy and their nourishment? Again, any indigenous people would say from Mother Earth. Yet, farmers in the Mid-West spend millions on chemical fertilizers. The grasses of the Great Plains did fine for generations without crop rotation or chemical fertilizer, and the topsoil was at such a depth that has lasted hundreds of years since then in spite of soil erosion and plowing. How did that happen?

The earth continues to rotate without human intervention, and the tides come in and go out without human intervention or personal income. If all natural life finds the nourishment and the energy to do what it needs to do, why is it so difficult for humans?

Because we make it so. Oh, do you think that God put us here to "know, love and serve Him in this world" and that God wants us
to struggle, but His mysteries are more than we can fathom --? Hogwash. Didn't Jesus say, "Whatever you ask the Father in my
name, it will be given to you."

He didn't say, "If you go out and get a good job...." He didn't say, "First go out and get an education..." He didn't even say that if you eat fish on Fridays and honor the Sabbath....

Quantum Energy

All cells are composed of atoms and all atoms are composed of 98% space, and in that space, between the particles, is energy. At the molecular level, humans have been defined and categorized. However, at the atomic level, we are the same as the trees across the street and the daisy in the yard. Here is the province of the Quantum physicist. Apparently, at this level, energy and particle are interchangeable and the possibilities are limitless. At this level, it is dependent on the observer whether or not you will see energy waves or particles when you look into a test tube. If you believe you will see waves, you will see waves and if you believe you will see particles, you will see particles. And, it is possible for a particle to be in two places at once!

Isn't that enormous? Wasn't that one of the tenants of physics that we all learned? It is not possible to be in two places at once. It was clear and precise. Now, it is no longer so. Particles have been photographed in two different places at the same time.

So, back to Wallace Wattles about one thousand years ago, There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made and which, in it original state, permeates, penetrates, and fills the interspaces of the universe.

We're not sure, but it looks as if anything is possible. It looks as if we all can learn to form particles or to move energy if we simply learn the rules of the Law of Attraction.

Let us give you some rules according to Mindbridge. As you study this website,,
you will see that the various teachers each has his or her own rules governing the best way to manifest what you want. Some such as Joe Vitale will say that manifesting what you want is too limiting. He clears using an old Hawaiian method, Ho'oponopono, and says that there are Zero Limits when you are clear because then you are inspired by the Universe and the Universe has far better things in mind than we would even venture to ask for.

We will assert that whether or not you have your own visualizations or trust the Universe to provide wonders and miracles in your life, Ho'oponopono will clear any limiting beliefs, and will help you keep your emotional state steadily positive. This will ensure success.

The movie What the Bleep do We Know available through Netflicks, or on YouTube in sixteen sequential segments that last about 9 minutes each. This film does a wonderful job of illustrating the ideas of quantum physics, as well as some neurochemistry. Do not let this discourage you from viewing. This movie will change the way we think in this century. The new frontier is our mind. It is both entertaining and tremendously inspiring.

Enjoy. Stay positive. Don't entertain any doubts.

Author's Bio

Nancy Stremmel is the co-owner and developer of - , the compendium of information on the Law of Attraction. She is a writer, licensed Social Worker, educator, artist and therapist. She believes that everyone can make the Law of Attraction work for them.

Source: - SelfGrowth

The most important quality for an investor is temperament,not intellect.A temperament that neither derives great pleasure from being with the crowd nor against it

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