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Topic: Warning!
Posted By: basant
Subject: Warning!
Date Posted: 13/Nov/2007 at 8:58pm
Dear Members,
Over the past couple of weeks we have seen some members aggressively fighting for their shares and opinions so much so that it results in infighting among members.While different opinions make a market I would not let these opinions turn into small groups within this forum.
Without naming members I request you not to let these infightings extend themselves away from stocks into a game of one upmanship over another.
In case any of the posts appear to be of that nature we reserve the right to delete the same and also suspend the members from accessing TED.
Comments as usual are welcome.

'The Thoughtful Investor: A Journey to Financial Freedom Through Stock Market Investing' - A Book on Equity Investing especially for Indian Investors. Book your copy now:

Posted By: tigershark
Date Posted: 13/Nov/2007 at 9:02pm
these fighting post also are a waste of time for members who are not interested in reading these posts.

understanding both the power of compound return and the difficulty getting it is the heart and soul of understanding a lot of things

Posted By: kanagala
Date Posted: 13/Nov/2007 at 9:51pm
Can you also PM the members. It may be simple case of misunderstanding in some cases.

While one person hesitates because he feels inferior, the other is busy making mistakes and becoming superior.

Posted By: omshivaya
Date Posted: 13/Nov/2007 at 10:20pm

I second your decision Basant sir.

The most important quality for an investor is temperament,not intellect.A temperament that neither derives great pleasure from being with the crowd nor against it

Posted By: basant
Date Posted: 13/Nov/2007 at 10:30pm

Please remember that this site is being closely followed by many. In that event it becomes imperative that we maintain the quality of discussion. We used to have a lot of fun in the Mungerilal thread but all those references were arbitrary but something that is happening these days is simply trying to create an impression of being "over smart".


I consider myself as minnow in this market and always take that real threat that suppose if one member were to file a suit against another through the IP address (which is captured inn the forum database) or vice versa just imagine the kind of problems it would put the defendent  into.


As a moderator I have made my position clear but I would certainly not like anyone to be picked up for a casual non-serious remark.


Try to understand why these things are happening. All of us need attention and in that bid to grab that attention I start writing "Axis Bank up 7% today!!!" etc and an informal group erupts where the other guy compliments me now when Mind tree goes up I complement him and this erupts into a series of to and fro compliments.


Somehow I find it too childish and immature. When I introduced PRIL and TV18 to TED a year ago many people questioned by wisdom now after having made 3 bagger in 14 months since recommending I have  never gone into the game to try and bring the previous posts in order to ridicule the person who made a remark when I had started that thread.


And the reason for not doing this is that this is an endless game. It is not constructive and does not improve my wealth or my knowledge and if there is something that is not benefiting me directly I would not do it.


Another problem in the internet world is as one new member mentioned today there is no accountability or credibility so if I am replying to  a post to "XYZ" I really do not know who "XYZ" actually is. It is like talking with your shadow. Either he  could be a fund manager or a person with a portfolio size of Rs 10,000 but in either case he will try and create a picture that he has won the battle if his stock goes up 10%.


My limited experience tells me that in this market:


1)    People fight with people on opinions and anyone who fights personalities is exhibiting a sense of despair or hopelessness or maybe if I use the word "jealousy."


2)      The ones who hold big quantities never disclose their extent of holding and if someone walks up to you and says that he holds 25,000 shares of yes Bank be sure that he owns only 200 shares.If someone tells you how rich he is or his family is replace the word "rich" with "frustated". - Shiv Khera


3)      The ones who make money do not like to discuss about their money 


4)    The ones who are crorepatis are more interested in the process then the product.


5)      I have picked up lacunas in a lot of companies (Educomp) was one of them and continues to remain so but each time I backed my allegations with evidence.


6)    I have always questioned opinion never questioned integrity some exceptions that come to mind are:


a)      Mathew Easow where I was commenting on the basis of the SEBI order

b)     Chatlal when he had recommended GE Capital and I had written on the forum a few weeks prior to his recommendation that this is a diwali pick from one of the experts. At the times of my writing on the forum the stock was at Rs 55 and it was recommended at Rs 90.

c)       First couple I question them even today because they are not stable in their opinions.



Maybe this was an unnecessary post in its length but I just wanted to explain the kind of thoughts that are going through my mind.

'The Thoughtful Investor: A Journey to Financial Freedom Through Stock Market Investing' - A Book on Equity Investing especially for Indian Investors. Book your copy now:

Posted By: omshivaya
Date Posted: 13/Nov/2007 at 11:23pm
Totally necessary post Sir jee. Totally necessary. Thank you. This too shall be a resource for TEDdies, but of a different kind than the "Words of Wisdom" resource: From time to time, TEDdies will want to revisit the "Conflict Resolution" resource for somethings that may be bothering them.

The most important quality for an investor is temperament,not intellect.A temperament that neither derives great pleasure from being with the crowd nor against it

Posted By: kaushalchawla
Date Posted: 13/Nov/2007 at 11:27pm
Also Basantji,
I wanted to suggest removing posts which do not contribute in making this forum a quality forum. Those psosts which are kind of spams like:
" share up x% today" - this does not contribute etc.
Just a suggestion.

Warm Regards,

Posted By: smartcat
Date Posted: 13/Nov/2007 at 11:36pm
After an internet forum reaches a particular size, these issues do crop up. Deleting a particular offending post by a moderator becomes a necessity.
Things to remember -
- Postings with an overly aggressive tone or - flame wars  can damage the reputation of the forum.
- 'Guest' users might feel uneasy about registering or 'New members' might stay away from making too many posts for the fear of being targeted.
- If your post gets deleted, the admin is not trying to insult you in any way. It is just that the admin feels that particular post was inappropriate in that context. Send a private message to Basant if your post has been deleted, so that you know what went wrong.
- Suspension of a member is too harsh, although some forums follow this. Suspension should be reserved only for forum spammers who drop in links.
- Remember Basant -  if somebody has made XXX number of useful posts, it means this person has contributed in his/her own way towards building the forum.
- Since I spent 2 minutes writing this post, I believe I should get immunity from post deletions for the next 3 days.

Posted By: MPD05
Date Posted: 13/Nov/2007 at 11:49pm

I've been a member for only a couple of weeks now.   Perhaps I've not earned the right to comment on your post just yet.

However, I've had previous experience in moderating medium sized groups.  I know it a very delicate balance between providing complete freedom to the members and at the same time ensuring that the group does not degenerate into a mere debating society.

I fully agree with your suggestion.   The focus of the group should be to facilitate a congenial forum for discussing stocks, economy, etc.  I'll extend my complete support in this regard.

Posted By: basant
Date Posted: 13/Nov/2007 at 12:03pm
Very interesting suggestions by smart cat and Kaushal. Suggestions taken and immunity granted.
Let us try and make money out of this diuscussion rather then show each other how smart we are. Only the cats can show their smartness!!!

'The Thoughtful Investor: A Journey to Financial Freedom Through Stock Market Investing' - A Book on Equity Investing especially for Indian Investors. Book your copy now:

Posted By: smartcat
Date Posted: 13/Nov/2007 at 12:15pm
Thanks for the diplomatic immunity! Big%20smile
I'm not sure how many people can relate to this - but quite a few software engineers can understand what I'm trying to say.
When a company has just started out, it will have 20 or 30 employees. Everything is fun and games, and you pull eachother's legs and have a hearty laugh all the time. You have parties every month and you come to office wearing chaddi.
But over time, the company grows bigger and now it has 1000 employees.
Can things go on like it is a 30 people company? Never - because things go out of control sometimes, and 'work' suffers. Some rules and some regulations are put in place - but the management makes sure that the company is still a good place to work in. 

Posted By: BubbleVision
Date Posted: 13/Nov/2007 at 8:51am

Seen the message BasantJi and understood!

IF this was due to any particular post by myself, then I apologize and I give the admin the right to delete that post instantly. Also, the Admin can just SMS/Call, and then I would delete that post.

You can't make money if you are unwilling to lose...It's like willing to breathe in but not willing to breathe out. -- ED SEYKOTA ....Read Disclaimer!

Posted By: basant
Date Posted: 13/Nov/2007 at 9:28am
No, niot on you. Though some posts have diusturbed me at this moment I would just let them remain the way it was.

'The Thoughtful Investor: A Journey to Financial Freedom Through Stock Market Investing' - A Book on Equity Investing especially for Indian Investors. Book your copy now:

Posted By: prosperity
Date Posted: 13/Nov/2007 at 10:11am
I know I have troubled you and many others on TED..
I have given my immediate apologies to the person who was troubled with my post - on the same topic/forum. Immediately, I have also deleted my troubling posts.
My intention was not to hurt anyone - that is explained by the fact that my original post used the words "he would have", which indicates possiblity and not surety..
But since it has hurted many people, i again ask for apologies..
But it seems that is not enough, so i have decided to never log-on on this forum again in the future..
It was very very nice, enriching, informative, learning experience to interact with so many nice, convinced, determined investors and traders. I have learnt a lot from you all - Thanks to everyone and Thanks for everything !!
PS: Since its difficult to be away from TED, i'll still be reading the posts, but would never log-on from now on and would never write a post !
I have no hard-feelings towards anyone with whom i have interacted on 'The Equity Desk' - Hope no one has any hard-feelings towards me, as well.... Thanks for everything !!

Posted By: omshivaya
Date Posted: 14/Nov/2007 at 12:00pm
Hey!!!! What all's going on here??
I don't know if I missed some part of your post Prosperity jee, bUt whatever part I read seemed "not exceedinly abnormal" .
Arre, TED ko chodna wodhna mat karo yaro! Lighten up! We need all people(who genuinely care for TED) and I know you are one of them.

The most important quality for an investor is temperament,not intellect.A temperament that neither derives great pleasure from being with the crowd nor against it

Posted By: tigershark
Date Posted: 14/Nov/2007 at 1:18pm
we are all human, including all the great masters of investing be it indian or foreign and to err is human no human being can have the same level of intelligence, smartness or commonsense that is exactly why this forum is thriving   collective intelligence and commonsesne.the freedom of expression is each ones right provided it does not insult or offend another, having said this people should think before taking drastic descions.

understanding both the power of compound return and the difficulty getting it is the heart and soul of understanding a lot of things

Posted By: basant
Date Posted: 14/Nov/2007 at 1:30pm
Extent of agreement with the Tiger = 100%

'The Thoughtful Investor: A Journey to Financial Freedom Through Stock Market Investing' - A Book on Equity Investing especially for Indian Investors. Book your copy now:

Posted By: manishkayal
Date Posted: 14/Nov/2007 at 1:40pm
Even I agree with you Tiger Jee,

Prosperity Jee, I hope you are reading this post. You know, I never got hurt more than your decision in my life (even though we all never met personally) with each other. I always liked the Family culture TED had and it was going on smooth until your decision to get off the Bus. I request you to reconsider your decision and please join back, we are waiting for your posts.

Posted By: omshivaya
Date Posted: 14/Nov/2007 at 2:53pm

Whether the person wants it or not, TEDdies are not going to let go a genuine TEDdy. Samjhe prosperity sir jee Wink

The most important quality for an investor is temperament,not intellect.A temperament that neither derives great pleasure from being with the crowd nor against it

Posted By: India_Bull
Date Posted: 14/Nov/2007 at 4:32pm
IF this was due to any particular post by myself, then I apologize and I give the admin the right to delete that post instantly. I am a big critic of myself and have a habit of criticising people (though bad but comes from the profession for being into  business reengineering!!)
If I have disturbed peace of mind of TED/TEDDIES pls forgive me.
And about leaving TED Kabhi nahi...Smile

India_Bull forever Bull !

Posted By: basant
Date Posted: 14/Nov/2007 at 6:12pm
Please do not take my thoughts personally. Sometimes prevention is better then cure and we must realsie that the objective of this site is to grow it through collective wisdom and not through a process of one upmanship that is all that I wanted to point out.

'The Thoughtful Investor: A Journey to Financial Freedom Through Stock Market Investing' - A Book on Equity Investing especially for Indian Investors. Book your copy now:

Posted By: vijinat
Date Posted: 14/Nov/2007 at 6:40pm
If prosperityjee REALLY loves TEDdies and respects Basantji, then he will continue to be with us with his ever-warming posts. WELCOME BACK sirji

Posted By: CHINKI
Date Posted: 20/Dec/2007 at 9:44am
Sorry, I saw this thread only today and hence making comments now.

In various threads, whenever some one makes any claim or reports about some good stocks (particularly I have seen with Basantji initial posts of any thread), there are suddenly so many posts questioning the same. The language such postings gives an impression that other person is getting benefitted.

Most of the senior members are more than a year old and we have seen more than 1000 no (minimum) of their postings. By now everybody knows what is the quality of postings done by Basanthji, Devesh, Kulman, Smartcat, OM and so on.

It is always welcome to check the source of such claims as well as reasoning. But not the integrity or affending the person who has posted which will hurt his sentiments.


Finally, TED has become such a valuable asset to each one of us because of each one of us. Let us not think of leaving. Let us share and make this forum more knowledgable and lively.


Posted By: rider.royal
Date Posted: 21/Dec/2007 at 12:55pm
Jo bhi karna, bus acche post karna mat chodna bhai logon... Abhi to kuch dhang se samajh aane laga hai, abhi se aisa mat hone do....
Long live my tedyy... Star

Posted By: deveshkayal
Date Posted: 22/Dec/2007 at 9:54pm
Some things were getting out of control..I just cant tolerate when some member was talking Astrology. Also, one must think twice before criticising great investors like RJ. Stock idea without reasoning will not be allowed.
I just hope that Basantji manages to administer TED as members keep increasing.

"You don't need to be a rocket scientist. Investing is not a game where the guy with the 160 IQ beat the guy with a 130 IQ. Rationality is essential"- Warren Buffett

Posted By: BubbleVision
Date Posted: 22/Dec/2007 at 10:22pm

Devesh …. Just one viewpoint worth my 1 anna…


The world is Round and Don’t ever discount any one ability to make money in the market, far away an astrologer! Don’t we still marry on specified dates looking after the “Janam Kundali”? There are many patterns which could lead to money in markets in Success in life, and FA and TA are only 2 of the many countless tools to make money in markets most of which I am even unaware of currently!


Also not only RJ we have no right to criticize others except ourselves!



You can't make money if you are unwilling to lose...It's like willing to breathe in but not willing to breathe out. -- ED SEYKOTA ....Read Disclaimer!

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